Core Values

We come from all walks of life but the team at Kraft is all driven by the same set of principles.

core values

Think and act like an owner


Value the initiative and ideas of our team members


Strive for continuous improvement rather than perfection


Go the extra mile without ever being asked

core values

Always customer focused


Recognize that opportunities for our customer create opportunities for our company


Understand that good customer service costs less than poor customer service


Know it's the customer who defines value

core values

Play for the team


Believe collaboration is key to our success and the success of our customer projects


Trust our team members and be committed to open communication


Treat all team members with respect and make work positive and fun

core values

Individual accountability


Get things done


Expect all team members to contribute


Answer to each other


Core Values Spotlight: Think & Act Like an Owner

Lori Polly, Accounting

Lori wakes up thinking and acting like an owner. While being at Kraft just under a year, she understands the value of employee ownership here at Kraft and takes pride in going the extra mile in her role. Every day, Lori is working hard to identify and work through customer and vendor discrepancies in a timely manner rather than setting them aside for another day, which is basically a full time job in and of itself. Lori has improved department turnaround times and has improved documentation of customer conversations and vendor discrepancies. She will hunt down even small dollar amounts for root cause issues because she sees how little things can add up to impact the bottom line. She will search high and low for every last drop ship to invoice on December 30th to help us try to hit our sales goals, and she just makes us better – sometimes relentlessly – because she is truly thinking and acting like an owner of Kraft Mobile Systems.

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